Preserving our Godly Heritage, Empowering Future Generations with Timeless Wisdom.

In 2006, we were gifted with the Story of Obadiah Holmes. It was as if we stumbled upon a buried treasure, long forgotten by the world. And yet, we couldn't help but ask ourselves, why haven't we heard of this man before?

The Making of As with Roses, 2007

It was a revelation that led us down a path of exploration and discovery. We had been devout church-goers our entire lives, and yet, we were just now uncovering this extraordinary piece of our history. We were struck by the realization that God’s people had been asleep, neglecting this rich heritage.

But it doesn't have to be this way. If only we, as a people, would take the time to look back upon our history, we would discover the vital role that we are meant to play in our churches, our society, and yes, even our government. We must sound the alarms, rouse God's people from their slumber, and look to the Old Paths, before it's too late. The path forward lies not in novelty, but in the timeless wisdom of those who have come before us.

  • As with Roses (2007)

As with Roses (2007)
  • The Red Herring (2022)

What is Antiquity Embers?

Join us on our travels as we uncover the forgotten voices of our religious Liberty. We are convinced that by learning more about the past, we can better understand our responsibilities for the future. Our goal is to find, preserve, and teach future generations through free materials, online classes, and engaging narrative documentaries, we're making it easier than ever before to learn about our past and understand our responsibilities for the future.

From lost graves to crumbling monuments, we'll leave no stone unturned in our quest for the histories that are hidden from mainstream History. The Story of US can be found between the lines and pages of History books, it is behind men like Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Henry, and Madison that we find the Godly men and women that shaped the Nation’s direction. Let’s learn who they were, and what they stood for.